Sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA) structural conditions are mostly considered unfavorable to foster academics’ societal engagement (ASE)—that is collaboration between higher education institutions and external stakeholders in general and university–industry linkages in particular. The received view is that ASE in SSA empirically studied only through macro-structural data related to approaches and metrics of national innovation system or knowledge-based economy will predictably display weak portrait and potentially not make visible specific patterns that ASE in SSA may have. This theory-led study reports findings from a case study examining the inputs, in-process, outputs, and impact/outcome of ASE in a university in Mozambique, an African low-income country. The article attempts to make visible specific patterns of ASE that occurs within the ecologies of knowledge in a country like Mozambique. However, we are far away from being able to suggest context adequate indicators. Instead, we provide insights into the qualities and patterns of ASE cooperation.
Zavale, Nelson Casimiro; Schneijderberg, Christian (2021): Academics’ societal engagement in ecologies of knowledge: A case study from Mozambique. In: Science and Public Policy 48 (1), S. 37–52.
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