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Academics’ Societal Engagement in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Generational Perspective from Argentina, Germany, Portugal, and Sweden

Schneijderberg, Christian; Broström, Anders; Cavalho, Teresa; Geschwind; Lars; Marquina, Monica; Müller, Lars; Reznik, Nikolas (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Generational Perspective from Argentina, Germany, Portugal, and Sweden. In: Higher Education Policy 34, S. 42–65. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00218-6

Gläser, Jochen; Ash, Mitchell; Bünstorf, Guido; Hopf, David; Hubenschmid, Lara; Janßen, Melike; Laudel, Grit; Schimank, Uwe; Stoll, Marlene; Wilholt, Torsten; Zechlin, Lothar; Lieb, Klaus (2021): The Independence of Research – A Review of Disciplinary Perspectives and Outline of Interdisciplinary Prospects. In: Minerva.

Gläser, J., Ash, M., Buenstorf, G. et al. The Independence of Research—A Review of Disciplinary Perspectives and Outline of Interdisciplinary Prospects. Minerva (2021).

Schneijderberg, Christian; Broström, Anders; Cavalho, Teresa; Geschwind; Lars; Marquina, Monica; Müller, Lars; Reznik, Nikolas (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Generational Perspective from Argentina, Germany, Portugal, and Sweden. In: Higher Education Policy 34, S. 42–65

Schneijderberg, Christian; Broström, Anders; Cavalho, Teresa; Geschwind; Lars; Marquina, Monica; Müller, Lars; Reznik, Nikolas (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Generational Perspective from Argentina, Germany, Portugal, and Sweden. In: Higher Education Policy 34, S. 42–65. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00218-6
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