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2017 Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies

The Summer School is organized by the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel) of the University of Kassel, Germany.


Globalization has brought about the idea of a borderless world, and new realities of a globalized academic world are emerging. Nevertheless, boundaries in science and higher education (research) are ubiquitous and ambiguous. Geographical boundaries still matter and we continue to face boundaries between disciplines and terminologies, the public and the private sector, organizations, career systems, methodological and theoretical approaches, as well as generations. These boundaries often limit our research and our ability to be innovative. But they may also enable original approaches and relevant new results. In addition, important research questions relate to what constitutes these boundaries, how they affect process and outcomes of scientific research, how to harness them and whether to expand or realign them. Accordingly, the 2017 summer school in Higher Education and Science Studies addresses questions related to different boundaries: 

  • How to conduct international comparative research in a world where national spaces become more and more global?
  • How can boundaries help to identify causal effects in empirical research?
  • How can we advance our methods and methodological frameworks connecting micro-, meso-, and macro-level and mixed-method approaches?
  • How can we benefit from interacting across the boundaries of fields and disciplines?
  • How does the globalization of higher education relate to national academic labor markets?
  • How does the geographically bounded university organization survive in an era of digitalization?
  • How does the interaction of different kinds of research organizations, both public and private, reshape the boundaries between them?

The summer school’s keynotes lectures and workshops will reflect on these and related questions from theoretical, methodological, and practical perspectives. Invited speakers and participants from German and international higher education research and science studies will establish a constructive and critical dialog discussing, transcending and pushing forward the boundaries that cross our work and our field(s).


Guido Bünstorf, Anna Kosmützky, Georg Krücken (all INCHER-Kassel)

Keynote Lectures

  • Gili S. Drori, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
  • Christoph Grimpe, Kopenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Francisco Ramirez, Stanford University, USA

Workshops, Talks, and Lectures

  • Edith Braun, INCHER-Kassel, and Ulrike Schwabe, Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW)/INCHER-Kassel
  • Stephan B. Bruns, University of Göttingen
  • Grit Laudel and Jochen Gläser, Technical University of Berlin
  • Achim Oberg, Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Justin Powell and Jennifer Dusdal, University of Luxembourg
  • Romy Wöhlert, University of Leipzig, and Anna Kosmützky, INCHER-Kassel


Presenting participants will receive 5 ECTS credits.


The participation fee is € 75 to cover coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner.

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